
PS.A.Sholli Ummu Zulfa.

Cracking Codes & Launching Rockets
At the beginning of the lesson the teacher tried to incorporate between the history of the real life and other branches of mathematics. In this article cracking codes and launching rockets. Student divided into several groups to dvelop the strategy to crack the code and also launcing rockets. The technique is done to evoke the spirit of the students in a problem solving and mathematical communication. The material that will be taught are geometry and algebra.
Who should have to code?
Students are asked ti imagine that anyone of anyone who distributing the launch codes for United State. They thought that the chosen strategy on target. They think just choose the president but when lost, the rocket can not be launch. Finally they to choose the important people.
Algebra, Geometry and the two person rule
The first key is needed is a geometric axioms two points to define the line. If some people are just given the coordinates of points on the same line, none will be able to find the equation of the line. If the several exchange opinions will be able to fing and build something useful. Students have an idea how to design a system in which a number (the launch code) can be hidden, they still need a way to implement this system. This is where the algebraic entry. Each person is given a point in Cartesian coordinates. The teacher gives code 1234 then teacher ask the student choise slope is 7 and then teacher write the equation is y = 7x +1234. Y is intercept the launch code. After that theacher delete the original equation. Once two people meet, they can use their point to find the slope and then use one of the point and the slope to find the equation of the line.
The Launch Code Activity
A next exercise is to give each student a point and having two of them find partners launch codes. This activity is to finding the slope between two points. Students work with at least two people to find the slope. A student will explain that the difference in the value of x number of small but the difference in the value of y will be a large number; as a result, the ratio of the difference of the y-values for the x-value can not be rounded between 1 and 10. Make  conclusions based on all the information is always one of the best parts of the lesson and very represent NCTM focus on reasoning and sense making (NCTM 2000).
Extension: Converting Letters to Numbers
After student complete all the from of the equation that use the gradient then finding the value of x. After find the value of x then is used as code (x,y). Y is point that student have.
A Lesson For Everyone  
Students are more interested in subject like these incorporates history, geometry, algebra and cryptography.

Source : article Cracking Codes and Launching Rockets Teo J. Paoletti

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